Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I went to the entrance, looking for the compartment I stowed my luggage in. She wasn't happy about that since I was trailing that slime everywhere, and kept telling me so, but I didn't care. In fact, I was pleased to finally get even.
My gloating turned out to be short lived. When I opened the compartment, I found my suitcase was missing.
I asked her where it was and she said "in a field behind NCO."
I said, "Isn't that where we are?" and asked her to open the hatch.
But she said we were in space and if I opened the hatch an alarm would sound and I'd be sucked out into the vacuum.
I said likely story, but then she asked me how it was that I floated if we were on the ground.
She said she'd show me the view outside once I was cleaned up, but I didn't want to hear it.
I tried to open the hatch anyway, so she typed something on a panel that kept it from opening.
I told her to take me back to earth so I could get my suitcase, but she said we were on a schedule and were actually near Mars right now. Then she told me I shouldn't have put my bag in there.
I tried to hit her, but she saw me trying to run at her and swam out of the way, so I ended up drifting across the room.
I spent several minutes trying to hit her. It was difficult due to the weightless environment, but I managed to catch her off guard and hit her in the stomach. I then yelled for her to get my suitcase.
At long last, she finally told me she could, but with one stipulation. If we went back to get it, she'd take me off the project and I'd be stuck with BBL and Target, and only if I'm lucky. She said my other option would be to say I was sorry and wash up and she'd "pretend like this didn't happen."
Like I said before this trip, I have nowhere else to go. I said fine, I'd shower. But I didn't say sorry, I just asked her if she had towels.
She said she had something better, and some nice outfits I could wear. I said I'd rather keep the ones I had on, but she said they at least needed to be washed and that she didn't want me stinking up the place more than I already had.
I told her that would be pretty good revenge, but I had to admit the smell was more than I could tolerate. I didn't say that last part.
I gave up and asked her to show me the clothes.
So we go into her bedroom and she takes out a box from the storage compartment. She took some items out and showed me, but everything looked gay. Bright colors, silky, stretchy fabrics, midriff shirts, feminine looking leather apparel, girly t-shirts, bikinis, dresses. No jeans whatsoever.
I asked her if she had any menswear and she said this was men's wear. I clarified and said straight men's wear. She said that straight Abreya males wore that stuff. I said I wasn't one, which got a laugh (I guess I walked into that one). Ignoring it, I asked her if she had the stuff that regular men wore on earth, like jeans and boxers and t-shirts and such. She said no.
I contemplated my options. I could wear this gay stuff from the box, or I could raid her closet and try to find something more suitable. I knew she had some dress slacks and turtlenecks. It might be a feminine fit, but so was all this other stuff.
So I asked her if I could use her work clothes.
She said she wasn't sure, and that I might get them smelly. I told her I wasn't wearing the clothes from that box and started poking around the walls, trying to find where her closet was. She finally got annoyed and opened another compartment, showing me the contents of a box of clothes. Real pants!
I tried to grab a pair of slacks, but she said I'd get it dirty, so I just pointed to them and a turtleneck and said I'd wear those.
She said okay and led me into what can only be described as a bathroom. It didn't have any of the fixtures I recognized, so I asked her how to use everything. Unsurprisingly, she asked me to disrobe. I said I didn't need her to bathe me, I just needed to know how it worked.
She showed me how to use the bulb things to make it spray soap and foam, and how to vacuum it out of the chamber. There was an oxygen mask there and she said I'd need it when all the air got sucked out. I said okay and she showed me a "drier", and how to use that instead of a towel. And then she told me to go on and shower and she'd put the clothing in a compartment by the door. Not trusting her, I said I'd wait for her to physically put them there.
I waited and she indeed put the clothes in the compartment. I checked and made sure they were the slacks and the turtleneck I asked for.
I asked her how to shut the door and she showed me. Of course, she wouldn't leave the room until I said something. But she did, and I took my shower.
It was kind of weird. The soap came out of the sprayer, and another had the water, and I had to use the mask to keep from drowning. She must have hard water, because that sprayer hurt.
I got out and tried the drier. It felt like I was in a giant sized version of one of those Dymo driers they have in movie theater restrooms. I got dry in seconds and then I went to the cubbyhole where she put the clothes.
She must have pulled a switch while I couldn't hear anything under the sprayers. Instead of the slacks and shirt, I found this drapey red shrug sweater, some green layered thing that looked like a miniskirt, and a silver bikini bottom thing.
I checked the other compartments, hoping that the clothes I wanted were in another location, but I could only find a bunch of equipment, lots of bottles with labels I couldn't read, and some horse grooming supplies.
I wasn't happy, but I was tired of fighting. Figuring I'd be in a better position to negotiate when I'm clothed rather than naked, I put on the bikini, skirt and sweater and I went out.
She looked at me and laughed and said I looked cute. I told her it wasn't funny, demanding I get the clothing I asked for.
She gave me a response that almost sounded like a script you'd use on an irate customer, understanding statements and all that jazz. It sounded fake.
I told her we're in zero gravity and a skirt just floats around me instead of concealing anything, and I still had no intention of sleeping with her.
She sighed and said she'd get me the clothes I wanted.
This time I got the turtleneck and the slacks I asked for. Once she brought them to me, I changed right in front of her, since I was already past my embarrassment threshold.

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