Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Best NES Main Theme Soundtrack

Some games have great music throughout.  For the moment, though, I wish to recognize games that have one solid main level theme that stays with you long after you stopped playing.  Here are a few nominees for best level:
1.  Thunder and Lightning:  Awesome musical composition.  You know it's a classic when you get disappointed when the music stops at the game over screen.  The song doesn't change, but it's still well written.
2.  Totally Rad:  Honestly, I'd keep the music and throw away the game.  I put the song on a CD one time and found myself humming along as I was driving.  Super catchy.
3.  Air Fortress:  It sounds like the theme song to Superman.  Really liked it a lot.  Of course, it's the only song in the game.
4.  Adventures of Lolo:  It only has one catchy ditty throughout the entire game, but it's not a bad one.  With a puzzle game like this, a song has to withstand numerous plays, and it does.
5.  Arkista's Ring:  Haunting and excellent.  If only the game had other songs.
6.  Target Renegade:  Nothing like a rock n' roll theme while beating the crap out of bikers.
7.  Kiwi Kraze:  Catchy and overused, yet still pretty great, bearing the repetition.
8.  Bubble Bobble:  Although very simple, it doesn't grate on your nerves like some video game themes do.  There is at least some progression.
9.  Goonies 2:  Not wild on mos of the music, like the annoying ice level theme, but the instrumental rendition of Goonies Are Good Enough is spot on.  I can't think of the game without remembering that tune.
10.  Bayou Billy:  Pretty catchy, not the greatest, but not the worst.
11.  Bad Dudes (Level 1 only):  The music seems really appropriate for a level where you're flying on the backs of semis.  Not as obnoxious as some.
12.  Vindicators:  If I remember this game correctly, the theme song deserves an honorable mention.

The Judas Project

The Judas Project was one of the greatest concepts in film history.  Unfortunately, it was also executed in the most wooden, unimaginative fashion.
The story of Jesus, set in modern times.  It sounds fascinating, and I *did like the fact Jesus met with someone in a bar, but the director decided to "Stick to canon" for ninety percent of the story.  
1.  The fishermen stayed fishermen, to the point where it didn't make economic sense.  They weren't commercial fishermen, they were just yokels with rods and reels, ignoring the fact the disciples had to leave an actual job that was somewhat profitable.  I mean, how's this modern twist:  Construction workers on a site of a new skyscraper, and Jesus tells them to leave work and follow him, "I'll make you builders of the kingdom of heaven."  Or maybe he tells the entire staff of McDonalds "Follow me, and supersize the kingdom of heaven."
2.  Judas still gets paid in silver?  Nobody gets paid in silver anymore.  Or platinum.  Why not a briefcase full of cash, or that suitcase from Pulp Fiction with the orange light bulb that nobody sees inside?
3.  Okay, so there might be a problem getting church funding if you have Jesus die in an electric chair or from lethal injection or the firing squad, since the method of killing him would appear on buildings everywhere, but if you're going to stick to the crucifixion, why use a rose trellis?  I mean, technically governments would be different with this scenario anyway, so why not a police building with a place to crucify criminals out front?
A couple questionable items:  According to the original gospels, the dead did come to life during the crucifixion, but nowhere in any of them did we hear about tombstones flying up into heaven.
Also, the holy grail is a Dixie cup.
Again, this movie is an interesting idea.  Not sure if people walked out of the theaters en masse because it wasn't close enough to the gospel, or because it stuck to it too much in an alternate history where you could explore topics like how there'd be synagogues everywhere, and what exactly the modern United States would look like pre-Christ.

Inexplicable things about "Evil"

(Has spoilers)
The "Evil" television show was pretty good about explaining a few things that people consider supernatural in terms of scientific possibility, like the firestarter kid (storage of flammables in her room), stigmata (the disgusting blowfly that burrows under your skin, injuries caused by a wheelbarrow) and so forth.  What defies explanation are the characters themselves.  
I've seen several things that baffle myself and other viewers:
*For a "Fair and balanced" program about religion, why are they depicting an atheist as a completely amoral hedonist?  I know from experience that many atheists try to be good people and there's been a few times they've shamed me with their model behavior.
*Again, for a "fair and balanced" show, an exorcist tells a Muslim exorcist to "stand aside" and succeeds where the other guy couldn't.  Not complaining, but I'm constantly trying to understand who the target audience is.
*Amazing how long the show went on without mentioning Kristen's husband at all.
*They took way too long to uncover the murder.  Once we found out it wasn't a hallucination, I kept thinking that the police had failed at their jobs.  We went through long stretches of story without any mention of the murder taking place.  The only thing I can come up with to explain the situation is that Leland has been protecting her the whole time, due to the fertilized egg thing.  The cop basically tells Kristen "The guy was a dirtbag, so hide the evidence and I'll give you a free pass on murdering the guy in cold blood."  Where is the rest of the police department?  Certainly someone else exists in the department who is capable of putting two and two together.  It's not that common to see a person bludgeoned to death with a mountain climbing pick.  The wound wouldn't conform to the shape of a regular blade.  Also, there's untapped potential in Leland somehow uncovering proof of the murder, but he never says a peep about it.
*It stretches credibility for David to get pulled over so often that he has a whole library of cop videos.  I suppose it's more possible than other things in the show, but it's a little ridiculous.
*What did Kristen see in that Satanist guy?  He just seemed like a weasel.  Was it just that he didn't really believe in anything, or that he talked about her anatomy?  And how did the IRS agree to close that Satanist church?  I thought the whole decision seemed a bit flimsy.  Maybe the Mormons said something?  There's a bunch of those types of "churches" of Satan that actually exist, and probably get tax exempt, and nobody says anything.  It would have been better if they had to evaluate a group that was "way out there" and you could see how a real cult maybe got evaluated.  
*Also, wow, they know about the Church of the Subgenius?
*That's a good Psychologist Kristen has.  Even in couple's counseling he keeps the murder a secret, especially in regards to her violent outburst at the supermarket.  You'd think he'd at least bring it up with Kristen again.  Of course, I guess it makes sense that he would do something else illogical, like using Satanic rituals to write a book.
*There's several cursed objects that make a brief appearance in the show, and nobody ever talks about again, like the diaries Leland gives the girls, the cursed tea set, the virtual reality game, etc.
*Where did Sheryl's money idol thing come from?  Why did she ever think that was a good idea?  Who gave her the idea?
*Can someone explain Ben's girlfriend?  Did she suddenly self replicate into twins?
*What's with the succubus?  Is she some representation of Ben's girlfriend?  They seem to share a lot of similarities.
*Is Leland really possessed, or not?  Why did he get the shakes?  Was it from one of his IV's full of peanut butter?  Why did he make real signs of possession, then stop after he bathed in blood?
*How did trading blood with people become peanut butter injections?
*What happened to the woman Leland had tied up in the closet?
*It's amazing that Kristen can afford all that stuff she has when she's being paid by some Catholic priest/church/organization.  I know Catholic churches look fancy, but there's a lot of money going out, and a lot of them have budget problems.  I've been to a few church budget meetings where they had to cut this or that program because they aren't doing that well.  I guess we're just supposed to assume that the Vatican thinks it's a good idea to pay a skeptic investigator an architect's salary.
*For a woman who has to use a fertility clinic, she sure has a lot of kids, and it seems like she only had to use the company for one child?  On the other hand, she has a lot of unprotected sex for a woman who's fertile, and completely rational.  Doesn't she have enough kids?
*Okay, so the evil fertility clinic was responsible for Kristen's middle child, but does she really have a long ropey dinosaur tail?  Or is that imaginary?  If real, why has Kristen never noticed it?  Did it just pop out of her during puberty?  Also, does the child actually have fangs?
*What was the deal with Kristin's husband meeting all those demons inside the unfinished wing of the house?  They just left you hanging.  Are they supposed to represent all those people at the baby shower?
*What the hell was the goat man supposed to be?  Was Leland and Kristin's mother hallucinating?  
*Did Leland really cut off a human being's head and stick him in a pot, to serve to Sheryl for dinner?
*What's in those glass jars?  Peanut butter?  Brain matter?
*Did Sheryl really drill a hole in someone's head to get the peanut butter, or is that a hallucination?
*How did Sheryl go from being scared out of her wits and bound and gagged while getting another guy's blood pumped into her from an IV to dancing down a hallway without a care in the world?  Is she just "feeling" the old guy's blood?
*Why did Kristin choose to live under a train track?
*Making out with the guy while he's wearing priest robes?  He has no decency.  He didn't even say "Wait a minute, let me change" or anything.
*Who paid off the UFO witnesses and why?  
*Why did the UFO smell like cotton candy?  Were they Killer Klowns?
*Why does Sheryl keep getting involved with Leland when she hates him?
*What did Sheryl see in Leland in the first place?  The guy is a creepy sociopath, and she somehow couldn't get enough of the guy.  He didn't even try that hard to hide how evil he was.  The only explanation would be that she'd been influenced by the powers of darkness.
*Kristen's kids are like mindless drones.  They fall for any evil scheme and blindly accept anything that normal people would find sketchy and suspicious.  Well, when they have a personality at all.
*Nobody besides that one cop and maybe the daughter said a peep about the murder.  You'd think Kristen's close friends or husband would suspect something.  Oh, wait.  The husband waited a super long time to even ask if Kristen had slept with David.  
*How long was Kristen's husband trapped in Leland's prison room being pumped full of drugs?  Was he always there?  Were those videos always fake?  Did he never go to the mountains at all?
*Was that seance with Ben's girlfriend fake or real?
*How come that non-Amazon Amazon company doesn't show up again in the story?
*What happened to that demonic virtual reality game?
*What's the Vatican's connection to the evil fertility clinic?
*The show answers what happened to Kristen's last egg, but I'm not sure what happened to the lady that bought her eggs.  Was she killed or kidnapped?  Why does nobody wonder where the woman went?  They just see Sheryl at Leland's place and believe the woman's not there, and that's that.
*Is Goat Man still coming after Kristen in the cornfield?
*What's up with that sigil map and why do they only care about it part of the time?  What's the purpose of that thing anyway?  Why doesn't Leland care about it anymore?
*Is the Ifrit/cigarette head man really real or just a hallucination?  Why does Leland see it?  Was that really a result of the exorcism?
*Are all those demonic things real, or just hallucinations?  Specifically, the ones in the new wing of the house?
*Bishop Thomas seems unusually gullible, believing Leland is possessed and setting him with David as a spiritual adviser.  He doesn't even question it.
*Why does Kristen scar herself with a Rosary every night?  I don't think they ever explain.  And boy do those self inflicted cross scars heal up quickly.
*When Kristen comes in the evil fertility clinic the first time, a clerk volunteers information and calls the place "horrible," but the second time the clerk is gone and Kristen has to get a court order.  Did the disgruntled employee get fired?
*Kristen is deeply affected by the exorcism, says every line the priest told Leland to say to cast out his demon, it looks like she's converted to Christianity, but in the next scene she's talking to David about the placebo effect and doing a Buddhist ritual with her husband.  Okay, so this is more plausible than the other weird stuff, but it's still weird.
*"The Elevator Game".  Where IS this building?  How can the sub basement be that immense and not have some alternate route outside?
*Kristen:  Are you going to tell me that I need Jesus?
David:  No...
David, what kind of Christian are you?  You didn't even predicate it with "I would, but I already know what you'd say about that..."
*A lot of times, sermons on fictional TV shows are weird.  I expect that from TV.  I think the thing that bothered me the most was how David's superiors criticized his sermons.  If they'd mentioned how David never talked about Jesus once, they'd have a valid argument.  But instead they complain about him speaking on the subject of race, and don't bring up the topic of Jesus at all.  Regardless of your opinion of David's sermons, it would have been nice to at least mention the topic, to keep it balanced.
*Why did Kristen have a vision of a frog monster coming out of her belly?

Incomplete story

She stared at the creature, hoping and praying that it would disappear below the water again, but it didn't go away.  Instead, its mouth opened wider, and it inhaled, sucking them into its cavernous mouth.
Darkness descended upon them as they sailed inside, and despite all their desperate magic and frantic paddling, they saw a set of immense teeth clamp down, extinguishing all the remaining light.  Peapod and Freak, having exhausted their magical resources, could only produce a feeble light to illuminate their surroundings and the visual turned out to be unhelpful, just a dark wall of red flesh that changed in appearance as they sailed deeper into the interior.

Incomplete Ghostbusters fanfic

Dusk had fallen.  Grass on the curb along the sidewalk danced in a light breeze.  Behind a fence, a chunky African American noisily scrubbed his barbecue grill.

A squinting Shibu Inu slowly trudged behind its owner, an unsmiling old maid with artificially colored blonde hair cut in Doris Day style.  The wind blew through the woman's little red jacket, fluffing her starchy tan slacks. 

"We make quite a couple, don't we, Bear?"  she muttered to the dog.  "You go ninety percent blind with your glaucoma, me with my arthritis..."

The dog suddenly stopped, growling in the direction of the curb.  The woman stared in that direction, but could see no cause for the disturbance.  Nobody stood around the houses in that direction, nobody coming down the adjacent blocks.  She didn't even see a car.  And the barbecue guy stood *behind her.

She shook her head, tugging the mutt forward.

The dog wouldn't budge, now baring its teeth and snarling...at air.  It barked.

"Oh you silly thing!  You can barely see anything, what are you getting all worked up about?"

The man with the barbecue grill let out a horrified scream, and suddenly vanished.

Moments later, so did the woman.

The dog remained, snarling and barking at air.

(I stopped here because my ghostbusters concept was to `spin off' into a Kansas City franchise with a couple recognizable characters.  I tried this once before at Fanfiction.net, but people didn't seem to like it).

Questions about Ghostbusters Afterlife

(Spoilers).  I had questions about this Ghostbusters film.  Probably everyone else had the same thoughts:
*I could have sworn I heard Bill Murray say "We're closed" in the previews, but they never used the scene.
*You could do a drinking game with the phrase "Dirt farmer."
*It would have been nice to see a different villain besides Zool.
*What, no Slimer?
*If you're going to ignore the PKE meter, why even have it in the plot?
*I wish this film featured Luis Tulley.  Why wasn't he in it?  I always liked Jeanine.  It would have been an interesting plotline.
*Funny to list Sigorney Weaver in the credits when she only appears for a minute.  But I *did like the bit with the cards.  I suppose Venkman deserved it.
*How do Phoebe and Podcast know how to use all the switches on the Proton pack and not blow themselves up?
*For a dirt farm, there sure is a lot of crop to joyride through.
*If the firehouse got turned into a Starbucks, why does it look abandoned and dusty at the end of the film?  Was that just a story?  Also, if it were* bought out, why didn't a barista go downstairs at some point, push a button, thinking it's a trash compactor or a coffee machine, and let all the ghosts out?
*They didn't really explain why Ivo Shandor looked so healthy in that glass case.  I guess you might argue something about Lenin.
*Why didn't Egon's ghost show them the fault in the giant capacitors?
*Being a gatekeeper has its perks.  You get to keep the magical wardrobe.
*If Ivo Shandor's name is on everything in town, why isn't the school more centered around him, showing more of his history or something?  Like Ivo Shandor day?
*Phoebe can pick the lock, and is a genius, but cannot pick a police contraband locker.
*I really didn't get a sense of time.  Was this summer?  Where was the principal?
*Interesting "summer school?"  You get to watch Cujo and Chuckie?  Really?  I'm wondering why the kids looked so bored.  Did they watch those movies last year?
*This is the first major motion picture where my car gets important screen time.  Now I'm thinking about driving my Corolla with no windshield and how unpleasant that would be.
*Finn Wolfhard doesn't have much charisma.  I expected more from a character that's supposed to replace one of the originals.
*Phoebe really steals the picture.  I couldn't tell who she was related to.  Kinda wished there was a Bill Murray type of child.  Not enough sarcasm.
*Didn't get a sense of any of the characters, really.
*I always pictured Egon being an Atheist.  What's with all that bible stuff outside the ranch?  Guess it kept you guessing about his identity, but it's out of character, and we already know nobody else is that clever with scientific stuff.
*What was Phoebe doing with that wall outlet?  Was she stealing electricity?
*At the burger joint, which is the boyfriend that owned the jacket?  We never find out.
*You have a Proton Pack.  Why do you never bring along the PKE meter?  You would have avoided a lot of close calls.
*Did Podcast know how to use the trapdoor in the Ecto 2?  Or the remote control?  
*I think the Proton Pack should have thrown Phoebe across the field.  Also, she has considerable muscular strength to carry that thing around.
*She was lucky not to have the building collapse on her head when going after The Muncher.
*Phoebe's banter with Mr. Grooberson was great.
*Turning an entire property into a ghost trap?  What's to stop it from sucking the soul from your body, or trapping Egon's soul?
*What happened to all the cops in the police station?
*I appreciated the mold collection and the Twinkie.
*Baskin Robbins product placement - boo.
*Effective job bringing Harold to life.  Good move to make him not talk like they did in Rogue One.  Let the dead rest, man.
*I knew someone was going to call the number for the Ghostbusters sometime, she has no other special phone number, and yet they felt the need to repeat the fake commercial, I guess for people who never watched Ghostbusters 1?
*Surprisingly low key reaction to seeing the Ecto 2, considering their recent studies on the subject.
*In life, Egon did everything he could to stop the apocalypse.  After death, he tells his granddaughter how to find an ecto trap, without warning her that opening it would doom humanity.  Mind you, I'm talking about supernatural warnings, and not talking.  You know, like throwing her across the parking lot, shorting out the trap's release mechanism.  That kind of thing.
*Someone should have come after Mr. Grooberson about the buses.  Of course, it explains the horror videos.
*Also, if Pheobe's classmates are "stupid" and he plays those movies for them, what does that say about horror fans?  Or maybe the fact that it bores them is a sign of their stupidity?  I don't know.
*The "Giant dog" actually eating dog food?  It ate people in the first film.
*Why does the demon dog need to possess a person to become itself again?
*Zool's costume seems better this time around.  The first film...It looked like a guy who had just stepped out of a bubble bath.
*Why does Mr. Stay Puft act so suicidal?  They seem to enjoy being toasted.
*Where did the other Ghostbusters get all the proton packs if Egon took all of them to his dirt farm?  Surely they can't build the things themselves...right?
*I wish they made more use of the Death Whistle.
*The gatekeeper and keymaster didn't have memorable dialog between each other, but I think a lot of parents will be using "There is no mom, only Zool" from now on.
*Winston has aged the best of all the Ghostbusters.  They basically proved that their chemistry cannot be replaced.  Great lines.
*Clever, jumping through the smashed windshield.  But not the best plan if you don't immediately pop out the door, or hit the gas pedal.

Cliffhanger for the Sega Genesis

Although the graphics are nice looking, it's still a boring beat-em-up that doesn't seem to go anywhere.  Endlessly rehashed scenery, repetitive fights with the same looking characters.  Every time you walk a couple steps, the same enemies come out and attack you.  You end up feeling like Stallone, fingers weakened by all the abuse, and about to let go and fall off a precipice.  You're better off throwing throwing this game from the side of a mountain and climbing to safety.

Nintendo Power's Zelda Strategy Guide

The Nintendo Power strategy book for Legend of Zelda is okay for completing the first quest.  It doesn't tell you exactly how to get the heart pieces or magic sword, but you don't need it.  It didn't tell me I had to burn the bush along the row of trees to find Dungeon 8.  The map is a little misleading.  It makes it look like the tree is alone in the middle of the woods.
You need to buy meat at E-5 for one of the dungeons, but they don't tell you that.  A moblin will block your path and go "Grumble grumble" until you give him the meat from one of the shops.
They also don't tell you that you need a red power bracelet to move rocks, they just tell you "move the rocks".  I wasted a lot of time on that one.  
The guide tells you you have to defeat all the enemies around a specific stairwell to go in, but it's not just that one.  Every secret area in a dungeon requires you to destroy all enemies in that room before the secret passage will open up.  
It says you can defeat the bunnies with the flute, but I've never been able to make it work.
If you stop time while Digdogger is big, you can never defeat him.  You have to play the flute first.  So cheating there doesn't help.
I don't know why they say you can defeat Pols with a flute.  It doesn't do anything.
Gannon is the only thing your stop time Gameshark cheat cannot protect you from.  Watch your health, keep hitting the dark area with the sword until he becomes visible and shoot him with silver arrows.
Second quest:
Here is where the strategy guide breaks down.  I guess they didn't expect you to get that far or something, so they slopped through it.
First of all, the yellow circle on the map that says "push tombstones" is pretty much the same color as "blow the whistle."  Gold.  That means I spent about twenty minutes trying to push open a grave to get to Dungeon 6.  A lot of other websites don't explain what you have to do, they even suggested you needed twelve hearts and a power bracelet to move the grave.  Nope, you need a friggin' flute.
The hungry Moblin in Dungeon 3 came as a surprise, but I was able to find a shop with meat a short distance away.  
The instructions about pushing blocks for Room 7 is a little confusing.  You don't have to defeat the grabbing hands to open the secret passage, though it might help you save hearts.  Try pushing all the blocks on that vertical column.  
When the guide says you can pick up a key with a boomerang, it's a damn lie.  I tried it.
"Don't go downstairs link" item 20 on Dungeon 7:  I pushed a block to open a staircase, and on the other side, I became trapped in a room with those tumbleweed skull things.  The doors would not open.  The only way out was back the way I came.  I think the tumbleweed things are invincible.  I have no clue how to get past that area.
Dungeon 7-23:  I thought the stopping time cheat prevented the door from opening, but really you just have to push a block after killing Manhandla.
Dungeon 8:  The green "use candles" icon looks just like the aqua blue "use bombs" icon.  The guide says some of the blocks you can push at this or that angle, but in actuality, I ended up pushing one sideways into another block.
When it comes to Wallmaster rooms, stopping time can screw you up, because you have to defeat all of them to push the blocks to access the next room.  Make sure they're visible before stopping the clock.
If time is stopped, no flute usage will make the eye vulnerable on the boss.
In Dungeon 9, there's a room with a T shaped platform in the middle of the lava.  The map is wrong.  There's no left door.


My apartment is drafty.  I didn't know how damn drafty until Covid hit and they forced everyone to work from home.  As I sat at my cheap desk day after day, cold air would breeze under the door.  For a long time, I wondered if my circulation had gone bad, but then I wrapped a blanket around my feet and found that the blanket had become ice cold after awhile.  Horrible apartment.
Now, my job gave me Amazon giftcards as a sort of bonus.  One of my first real job related purchases involved ordering various types of socks and seeing how well they insulated my feet from the cold.  I have yet to find one that truly keeps my feet warm.  An electric heating pad actually served me best over these long cold days.
At any rate, I tried a lot of socks, and here's my review of each type I tried:

*Walmart Brand, Cable knit, woolen, unsure exactly which company made them:  A friend gave me a few packages of these.  They are by far the worst.  The cold air blows right through the little holes.  Not scratchy, but not warm.  Actually works best as a summer sock.

*Busy Socks-Thermal Socks: Average.  The toes have nylon or something on them.  I found my toes getting cold quickly.  The rest of my feet felt warm.

*DG Hill Thermal Insulated Socks:  Started out pretty warm, but then when your feet sweat, you start losing heat.  Layering it over a regular sock didn't help.

*Hymore Thermal Socks:  Traps heat pretty good, but makes your feet sweat *a lot, compromising the heat.

*Cordura Fiber Socks:  They brag about them being heavy duty, but the socks are thin.  I wore them on a hike up to the supermarket.  They seem to create heat by a friction, and being inside a shoe.  If you're sitting in one place for extended periods, however, the cold goes right through.

Magic of Scheherazade: The First Islamic Nintendo Game

I confess my fondest memory of the Nintendo Entertainment System was not, like many other people, The Legend of Zelda.  It was a video game with a title I couldn't pronounce until the librarian called my house to inform me it was overdue.  "Sheh-her-ezad."  It was addictive, it used passwords instead of the memory, which was great because I didn't actually own it.
I didn't think about how Muslim it was until much, much later.  It doesn't stop it from being a fun game.  Don't believe it's Islamic?  Here's a few relevant points:
1:  "MOSCOM":  I've never seen Aladdin go to a mosque.  This isn't just an Arabian knights homage.  Every time you return from the dead, want to heal, or get a password, you crawl, on your knees, up the staircase of a mosque.  There's an actual spell that you cast that makes a mosque appear anywhere:  MOSCOM.  
2.  Star and Crescent Motif:  Look around.  Lots of star symbols, moon symbols, crescent symbols.  The Star of David, in contrast, is a symbol for magic, and a Magician in this game is not the same thing as a Saint.
3.  Arabian names, such as Hassan.
4.  Turbans.  Enough said.
5.  Mashroob (not to be confused with mushroom):  The Arabic word for "drink".  I looked it up:  Apparently in the Islamic heaven, everyone drinks some sort of ginger smoothie.  I personally think ginger root tastes gross, but whatever.  The point is that it serves the same purpose as manna in other video games.  Although not specifically stated that it is, in fact, ginger mashroob, it probably is.
6.  Harem girls:  You're rescuing a group of women who wear face coverings and head coverings, in a world where women wear face coverings and head coverings.  Not only that, there's a character that thinks very poorly of you if you pick up a girl at a hamburger stand.  It seems that a noble prince of Arabia isn't supposed to date women who have jobs and maybe don't cover their head and face.  Or maybe it's because a noble Muslim woman wouldn't be caught making cheeseburgers because it's against Qur'an?  Okay, I'm reaching, but I still don't understand why the character has such a beef against burger joints.  If the prince is a generous tipper and the Red Robin waitress likes him, so what?
And you wonder why I was such a confused, mixed up kid.