Friday, December 19, 2008

Identified lights in the sky

"I am a 47-year-old crosscountry truckdriver who spends many a night driving."

Knowing what I know about sleepy truck drivers swerving off the road and people with no sleep seeing hallucinations, this is not a good way to start a UFO story.

"I have a high school education and average intelligence. One night several years ago I was headed West from Alabama into Mississippi on I-10. The time was about 90 minutes after sundown. I noticed that a light was blinking in the sky. It was about 10 to 15 de grees above the horizon and almost straight in front of me."

At the right angle, another car, a billboard, or even the lights from your own truck can become a "UFO."

"I could not judge the dis- tance but I guess the light was miles away. My point is that this light blinked at very irregular non-repeating rythum. Sometimes the light blinked as slow as one flash per second. Other times it was as fast as 20 times per second. The rythum was eerie. The beats changed constantly."

So it could be a car or a billboard.

"I have a background in telephone repair so I do know how fast 20 flashes per second is."

Actually, that's the last thing that I'd criticize about this story. Too many other things are left out for me to worry about it.

"I watched for about half an hour and then,as easily as it had appeared, it was gone. I didn't see it move away, it simply seemed to stop blinking. I have never seen anything like it before or since."

So it was probably a car that hugged your bumper for a few miles. Or maybe an unusual billboard.

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