Friday, July 28, 2023

Echo Charlie Sierra

Seeking Greenlights:  Yes.
Page Type:  SCP Article
Genre:  Horror
Page Layout:  Official Document with photo
Hook:  Shortwave V-2 Broadcast violates FCC guidelines by constantly bleeding into other bandwidths.  FCC investigators who try to stop the signal end up dead.
Elevator Pitch:  The transmission comes from abandoned buildings containing broken radio equipment and dead bodies.  The equipment works independently of electricity.  
The first recorded incident involves a dead woman, the one whose voice keeps getting repeated on all the other V-2 broadcasts.
Intense poltergeist-like activity around the equipment.
The NATO code she repeats spells out the location of a dimensional conduit, and how to enter it.  No one who has broken the code has survived the voyage.
Central Narrative:  Foundation agent and their quest to lock up the radio equipment and signal in a radio-proof underground cavern.

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