Friday, May 13, 2022

Just ordinary

 Nobody talks about what happens after the beast in Beauty and the Beast becomes human. That's where the story ends. The same thing goes for Ariel in the Little Mermaid. No one cares what they do as a regular person. They're just not interesting after they become regular people. They lose what makes them, them. 

Normal is boring. Maybe there's a lesson in that for all of us. 

If Belle kept the Beast as a beast, got married and had a family, it would be an interesting story. How would all those relationships work out? Not sure how the prince from little mermaid would keep her relationship going without him drowning, but I guess Aquaman has to come from somewhere.

Of course, in the original tale, Ariel jumps into the sea and drowns because Ursula steals her man. This reinforces my point about them being more interesting (in this case, happier) before they become a normal human.

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