Friday, May 13, 2022

Bible stuff even pastors don't get

 I've heard a few things from pastors that indicate they don't know everything about the Bible.

One pastor didn't understand what a hyssop was used for.

If you watch Shakespeare in love, he brushes his teeth with a reed. A hyssop was the old time tooth brush and scrub brush. 

Another pastor I had didn't understand the tithing of dill and cumin.

Back in ancient times, you made purchases with salt. It's where the word "salary" comes from. Inductively, dill and cumin more than likely had a monitory value, due to the high premium for items that give food flavor.

Heck, even the footnote section in my Bible gets "uncertain" about things. The line about "cast your bread upon the water" for example. That's a psalm referencing the brewing of beer.

There's a famous quote: You don't graduate Bible study until you meet the author face to face. Above are a few examples of that.

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