Sunday, July 10, 2022

How I got in Facebook jail

 I think I know how I got in Facebook jail. There was a post about Christopher Walken and they showed a picture of him as a kid. I paraphrased a quote from Joe Dirt and said "mom" instead of "my man" and somebody thought that I was going to "Stab them to n the face with a soldering iron." Since the person was an idiot that didn't know how to report a comment instead of a post, they followed me to my personal group and reported a post I made about MASH and said I was threatening violence. 

Of course Facebook would never explain what really happened or why I got in the penalty box for 30 days, so I can only assume this is what happened.

It gave me an option to protest my being put in Facebook jail, but it actually seemed like the moment I complained, they sent me the list of stuff I couldn't do for thirty days. It's like having the police tell you they were perfectly justified in giving you a life sentence for spitting on a sidewalk, and the judge agreeing to the terms.

No legal process, no jury, just crap and alligators all the way down.

The guy that reported me...I think he "wants to see homos naked."

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