Thursday, June 23, 2022

Badly titled Sweet Pickles books

 If you look in the back of any sweet Pickles book, you'll see a picture of Doubtful Dog with his arms crossed, saying "I doubt it," like some kind of mean skeptic. But if you read No Kicks For Dog (terrible title, by the way, it implies cruelty), it's about self doubt.

Also, "Hippo Jogs For Health" is the worst children's book title you can come up with, for a book that is actually not that boring. A better title would be Hippo's Health Craze. It's about not over exerting yourself. It's actually kind of funny.

Note: The page from Jackal Wants Everything about soybeans and friendship doesn't make sense until you read the Hippo book.  Hippo has a whole library of health tracts he gives everyone.

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