Wednesday, April 20, 2022

TA agents

 I have a love hate relationship with outsourced transfer agents. They bring me paying customers, but they don't know how to do a warm transfer.

Ideally, they should tell me if they got the customer to verify security or not. Instead they just tell me a mangled version of the customer's name and dump the call. "I have Jen Dmalther on the line" when it's John Smith. Often I accidentally slip and say the mangled version without thinking about it.

I have the same computer system. When the call comes in, I can clearly see the name. I want more information than that. But, alas, they get paid for the amount of live people they send over.

To their credit, they will hang on the phone like a dumbass until I at least grunt in response to them reading the name off the file. So it's a "warm transfer," but only on a technicality.

Duh, I know "you have Ron Demelter on the line", or you wouldn't be talking to me.

I look at their computer notes in vain. Although sometimes it says they verified for security, a lot of times it just says "Clear, yes, transferred to agent." What the hell does that mean.

The worst part: Sometimes they will sit on account and go to lunch, which makes it impossible for me to edit the account. It's locked.

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