Wednesday, April 13, 2022


 I don't think I'll ever get rid of the guilt I feel for killing my pet ferret, or the way it soured my appreciation for the Gumby show. 

One summer many years ago, I owned a pet ferret. Owning one is a constant cleanup job. They can really stink up the place. 

I took the cage outside, on that hot day, sprayed the cage out, then set it out there in the heat to dry. Being the idiot kid I was, I put the ferret in the cage too.

I went inside in the air conditioning and watched TV. The ferret burned up in the meantime. I found its little corpse curled up in a ball. It peed on itself in attempt to cool down.

Gumby was on around at that time. I could hear the ending credits music as we stared at the dead animal. It was like funeral music.

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