Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Facebook jail

Facebook is arbitrary about what they consider an offensive post.


 I posted this to a group I manage and got put on thirty day probation. No explanation. I don't know if the people who run Facebook blocked me because the MASH novel says controversial things about Jesus and they think the book is great, and censored me because of that, or misunderstood my post and thought I approved of the book. Did they think I enjoyed the racist stereotypes in the book? I don't.
Did they think I was suggesting breakage of copyright laws, possibly ones belonging to Facebook? No, but now that you mention it, circumventing copyright laws is part of brainstorming, and if you do it right, it's perfectly legal. On the topic of MASH, nobody broke copyright laws, so I am left scratching my head.
 Did I get censored for that, or was it simply because I used "war protest film" in a sentence?
 I clicked the link that said there was a problem with the site, but they stuck to their guns, determined to punish me for reasons I do not fully understand. In fact, I believe my innocent question why was considered a new violation. 
I wrote a questionable Christopher Walken quote in response to someone's post before this. If they banned me for that, I would have understood, but that was a reply to a thing about his birthday, on my feed, far away from the group post I got banned for.
Also, the post that got flagged was in a group I set up, and I'd made a few posts there about not using Facebook to stimulate creativity, you know, not joining the hive mind. That may have set them off.
 Okay, I know that Facebook is not a constitutional right. It's a luxury, it's an internet clubhouse like any other site, and they make their own rules. But this is no way to run a website. Especially one of the world's most popular.

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