Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Drunk out of my mind

Like I was saying, I woke up Sunday morning, and I was wearing a dress.
I was cold and wet, because I'd just been sprayed all over with some sort of alien Super Soaker.
With my head throbbing, I glared at the two Abreyas, yelling and cussing at them about how there was no good reason for waking me up that way.
Then they point to the clock. It was already part way into the start of my shift. I ask them what happened and they said there wasn't any time to explain.
I headed to the bathroom, but they said I didn't have time to shower or anything, they needed me on the phones.
I said I needed to use the toilet, but all they did was hand me the diaper thing. So I put it on and went to the phones.
Work was...interesting. Some of my customers complimented me on the dress. Others (mostly Dogos customers) said it wasn't professional and said I should be wearing a uniform. Other people didn't care, being too obsessed with their own problems.
The hours slowly crept by. When I came to her for help on a call, Minda complimented me on my outfit, which made me really embarrassed.
I had to deal with a registration issue with a Dogos customer, and answer a lot of questions about some bustier thing with a loincloth (for women), and then this one guy called about login problems. He said that his order was being shipped to the wrong planet, and he wanted it stopped before it went out because he no longer lives there. I told him I'd be happy to help him, but I couldn't verify his account information. He looked like he was lying, but he found some paper in his messy room and I had to help him.
Of course by that time, it was already halfway across the galaxy. There wasn't anything I could do. He started making all these demands and I kept telling him no. That call lasted to about the middle of my lunch time. I eventually managed a refund to shut him up. I eventually went into lunch, but only after I recorded some compliments (for a store location) and sent them to corporate.
I wanted to shower and change and everything, but I decided something more important had to be addressed.
I went down to the break room and found Minda at a table, grinning at me. I asked her what was so funny and she said I "looked cute." Whatever.
So I asked her what happened the previous night.
She said I got drunk and started dancing, and I gave them a fashion show. I asked her what else I did and she said that I kissed her, then I started blabbering about silly stuff and made everybody laugh. Then I started kissing her again. After that I fell asleep and they put me in my bed. I asked her if she were sure that's all I did and she just giggled.
That scared me. I became angry, angrier than I already was, and demanded she tell me what else I did. I told her I wanted my conscience to be clean before God and that I had a headache.
She sighed and told me we came close to doing something...wrong, and then I started preaching at her and I just ended up falling asleep on the couch and they had to carry me to bed.
I was horrified. I felt betrayed. I have always been afraid of getting drunk and doing something I regret. That's why I have never touched a drop before, even on my 21st birthday. And I'm 30. Unless you count communion wine, but obviously I wouldn't drink more than a sip of that. I felt disgusted at myself. Feeling sick to my stomach, I just took a quick shower, put on my proper uniform and went back to the phones.
Lesson for the day: Ask questions before you eat or drink or smoke anything indigenous. And ask the right questions.
When I went to ask Sigma for advice on a call, she said she was disappointed that I wasn't wearing the dress anymore. I ignored it and asked my question. After I got my answer, she asked me to "do that dance again." I told her I didn't know what she was talking about, so she does this goofy dance.
I just went back to the phone.
After my shift, I just recuperated from the...whatever the hell I drank. I had a bible study, exercised, and did the usual stuff to unwind. This did not include that juice, whatever it was called.

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