Thursday, January 22, 2009

Australian sighting

Some Aussie at wrote, "just a note please don't think i am mad but something strange happened to me not that long ago . it was about 3.00 pm est in the july 2002 i think i picked up 2 men on the lancefield melbourne rd , and ask them wear they are going they said for fuel i sad ok then ." `think' you picked up two men? Shouldn't you `know' before reporting something? Most people can swear they saw a UFO, instead of saying "oh, I think I saw one."

"...that all i remember about the whole thing . i awoke in the car some 140 km out of my way .7 hrs latter on that night . with a full tank of petrol and 200 dollars on the seat of the car , this is a true statement. and happened in melbourne australia . please note i did not see a broken down car on the side of the road .and the men did not seam to know what to say or do . maybe i am mad who knows , if you have any information like this can you pass it on to me."

So you want to find out what happened when you were drunk and you picked up those male prostitutes? You're on your own with that one, pal!

"ps the car smelt like acid for 2 or 3 days afterwards as well."

Well that explains it all. Stay away from those blotter sheets!

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